Understanding the Magic Mile

This is a section of an article I wrote on training for The Main Street Mouse. Feel free to head over there to read the whole article.

A lot of people have commented on how helpful this section on the Magic Mile was, as it seems to be a source of confusion for a lot of people, so I thought I’d share that here.

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Everything We Know So Far about the Disneyland Paris Half Marathon Weekend

I know, I know, I’m still failing at this blogging regularly thing. But I start Dopey training on Tuesday, so I have no more excuses! I’ve been working on an update post about what’s been going on since my last post, but that will probably be published tomorrow, as I spent this morning writing this post for TMSM, a Disney fan site I am a contributing blogger for. My friend Addie and I write their weekly RunDisney series. I decided to share the post here as well, because I’m super excited about the Paris Half and everyone needs to know about the new information that has come out about it!

Ever since the Disneyland Paris Half Marathon was announced back in February at the Princess Half Marathon, runDisney fans have been anxious for more details.

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Back to regular training

It’s been over a week since EEC.
I should have started my training a day or two after we got back from Orlando, but that didn’t happen. Between the 5k and walking around AK & DTD I was NOT ready to start running. I had planned to go for a run last Wednesday, but my right shin was sore and I was worried it was the start of shin splints, so I elected to give it another day or two of rest. Then it was the weekend and there was rain and Mother’s Day. So Tuesday night I finally got back out to running.

I am no longer following the C25K/10k program. I’ve decided instead to start my Dopey training, so I’m following Galloway’s training plan with a really easy pace to work on my endurance and get my milage up, then in July when I’m supposed to actually start the program I’ll start again from the beginning training with a faster pace.

I ran with a 1/1 interval this week, which is a good comfortable pace right now, athough I plan to increase that to at least 2/1 if not 3/1 by July.

I think one of my favorite things about my new job is that I’m around people who love fitness, which is helping me stay in that mindset and actually feel like I want to run, because I’m not getting that organically anymore.

I am really enjoying my new job. And I’m super excited because I’m going to be getting more responsibilities and more hours, including the potential to actually do some teaching (not Tae Kwon Do classes, but other less formal fitness classes). And if I can bring in 20 new students before Princess registration the school is going to sponsor me for that race.

Speaking of race sponsoships. Its clear that I’m going to have to do some fundraising in order to pay for #RunAllTheRaces2016 so I’m looking into crowdfunding options. However if I go that route I really want to take the opportunity to bring as much awareness to Depression as possible. So I’m thinking that a portion of everything I raise will go to a depression/mental health charity. I just need to find a good one. If you know any (other than the National Center for Suicide Prevention, because people with depresison need help LONG before suicide comes into the picture, and that is what I want to concentrate on) please leave your suggestions (and a link if possible) in the comments!

New Plans

Well, another week and I’m still not back to my regular routine. Evening conference calls, crappy weather and a little boy who refuses to take naps (then decides that 3 am is the perfect time to play for a few hours) has made it hard to find the energy to get through the 2.5+ mile runs that I’m supposed to be doing right now.

I SHOULD get back into the swing of things (although I’ve been saying that for almost 3 weeks now) this week. I ran on Sunday, and we are running tonight.

However, because of the delay, as well as a few other things, my plans/goals for this year have changed.

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I decided I really want to try to run the Disneyland Half Marathon this year. Its Disneyland’s 60th anniversary, and the 10th anniversary of the event and I haven’t been to Disneyland since I was about 10. The event will be just after I finish half-marathon training, so the timing is perfect.
What isn’t perfect? Timing for registration. Tomorrow is the first day of early registration for APs. And while theoretically AP registration will be open until the 9th, I have a feeling it will sell out before then. And I just don’t know that I can come up with the $200 right now. Maybe I’ll get lucky and have that money by the time General Registration opens Feb 10, but that is highly unlikely.

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Do You Want to Run a Marathon?

I absolutely love this, so I had to share. This may very well be my 2015 anthem as I prepare & train for my first Marathon.

Will Run for Ears

As Goofy quickly (a little too quickly) approaches, I find myself waking up earlier and earlier…almost as if my body is prepping me for the God awful early morning wake up calls.  How do I occupy my time in the hours until my husband wakes up?  I rewrite Disney songs to apply to running!  Off the success of “A Whole New Run” I give you “Do You Want to Run a Marathon?” (based off of “Do You Want to Build a Snowman,” you know, in case you’ve been living under a rock and didn’t get the reference).

Do you want to run a marathon?
Come on let’s go and train!
I never see you anymore
Run out the door
It’s like I’ve gone away!
We used to be run buddies
And now we’re not
But it’s only a “few” more miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles
Do you want to run a marathon?
It kinda…

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2015 and Beyond

With New Years fast approaching I’ve turned my thoughts to what I hope to accomplish next year.
I’m not one to typically set New Year’s Resolutions, as they tend to be vague and/or overly ambitious and usually don’t last more than a few weeks. However having a clear view of where you want to be and setting goals to get there is a good thing.

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